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Core Values
  • We value going and making disciples (followers) of Jesus globally and locally.

  • We value people and God's plan of restoration of humanity that is possible through Jesus.

  • We value community. We will show you that church is not a place you go, but a people you belong to.

  • We value following Jesus daily.

  • We value seeing people take their next step of obedience with God and seeing their love for Him grow and develop and affect their life. 

Warm Blurry Lights

As a family and body of believers, we look to the Bible and the teachings of Jesus for our value system. We don't feel the need to recreate the wheel. We are not about putting on a performance for Sunday. We look all the way back to the 1st century to Jesus and try to simply do what he did. He walked with people. He saw and met their needs. He built relationships with them. Jesus shared God's story of restoration, then taught them how to obey his commands, and then those people were equipped (discipled) and expected to go and MAKE disciples and be a part of the revolution that changed the world.


As followers of Jesus we value people enough to walk with people through their faults, failures, needs, misconceptions, and show them the grace and truth of God offered through Jesus sacrificial death on the Cross. Our stories or testimonies of rescue are powerful and communicate the reality of Jesus in the 21st century in a personal way.

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